Welcome to Disney Production Safety!

The Production Safety staff provides technical guidance and safety resource to film and television projects that are insured through the Disney Risk Management program. Projects are evaluated to help ensure compliance with local, state and federal health, safety and environmental regulations, especially on locations outside of a fixed studio. All productions world-wide are supported.



Injury Reporting

Production injury or illness reporting.

Cority website intake.


Forms & Checklists

Part D of the Production Safety Guidebook contains forms for Productions to comply with the Safety Program.  Submit completed forms to the Production Office and forward to the Safety Program Administrator.

Health & Hygiene Guide

Updated Oct. 16, 2023. The information in this training is subject to change.

Always consult your Health & Safety point of contact for the latest information.

Training (US and BC)

New crew member Production Safety Orientation (PSO)

Safety PASS Training

Skills Training

Industry Guidelines

 Safety Bulletins published by CSATF for the Industry-Wide Labor-Management Safety Committee

ActSafe Safety Association Motion Picture Bulletins